Privacy Policy Site

(Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali – art. 13 196/2003)

Holder of the treatment

A.S.D. Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica "Sentieri di Armonia" - Piazza Dorato Guido 5 - 10056 - Oulx (TO)
CF: 96033120013

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


In this page we describe in extended form the methods of management of the site in reference to the treatment of personal data of users who consult it.
For "treatment" means any type of operation of the collection, recording, storage, modification, disclosure, cancellation and dissemination of personal data.

The "Personal Data Protection Code" imposes the obligation to inform the concerned on the fundamental elements of the treatment.
A.S.D. Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica" Sentieri di Armonia Fully fulfils the observance of what is provided for in the code, and mean by this, provide the necessary information in order to the aims and modalities of the treatment of personal data as well as the scope of the communication and dissemination of the same, the nature of the data in our possession and their possible diffusion.

This is a report that in addition to the senses of the art. 13 of the d.lgs. n. 196/2003 - Personal Data Protection Code, is also based on the recommendations of the European Community contained in Directive n. 95/46/EC, adopted to identify certain minimum requirements for the collection of personal data online,In particular, the methods, times and nature of the information that the data controller must provide users with when they connect to web pages, regardless of the purpose of the link and is made to all those who interact with the web services offered on our corporate sites telematic access starting from the address“”.

Types of data processed

Navigation data

As is known the computer systems and software procedures used to operate this web site acquire, during their normal exercise, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of network protocols.
This information is not collected to be associated to identified interested parties, but by their very nature could, through elaborations and associations with data held by third parties, allow to identify the users.
In this category of data includes, among other things, IP addresses or names of devices used by users who connect to the site
These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct operation.
These data are kept for the time required for carrying out such activities except for any investigations of computer crimes against the site.
No data deriving from the web service will be communicated or diffused, except that to fulfill the obligations provided for by laws, regulations or Community legislation.


Cookies are packets of information contained in a small text file sent by a web server to the internet browser of the user, that are stored on the user device and sent automatically to the server at each subsequent access to the site.
These files may store some information about the user. Cookies allow a website to record the activity of the user and store your preferences, help to analyze the interaction between the user and the web site and allow navigation more fluid and custom.

The privacy guarantor in its measure divides Cookies classifying them according to their use in technical cookies, Cookies, profiling and Cookie Analytics

Cookies technicians are required to perform the navigation or to provide a service requested by the user. They are not used for purposes more and are normally installed directly by the owner of the web site.

Without these cookies, some operations could not be carried out or would be more complex and/or less secure, as for example the activities of home banking (display of statement of account transfers, payment of bills, etc.), for which the cookie, which allow you to perform and maintain the user identification within the scope of the session, they are indispensable.

Cookies Profiling, cookies are used to track user navigation in the network and to create profiles on your tastes, habits, choices, etc. with these cookies can be transmitted to the user terminal advertising messages in line with the preferences already expressed by the same user in browsing online.

Cookie Analytics, serve to collect information on the navigation of the user in order to perform statistical analysis of technical guidance or marketing.

The guarantor in the decision of 8 May 2014, stated that can be assimilated to technical cookies only if used directly by the holder for the purposes of site optimization, gathering information in aggregate form on the number of users and how these will visit your site.

To these conditions for Cookies Analytics the same rules apply on the subject of information and consent provided for cookies technicians.

More information about Cookies

Under the technical profile and regardless of the purpose of their use cookies are distinguished:

  • Owners or "own" site if generated directly from the web site of the publisher
  • "Third Party" if generated by other sites through the contents or services present or used from the web site of the publisher
  • "Session" are temporary cookies that disappear from the computer when the user leaves the site visited or close the browser.
  • "Permanent" remain in the computer of the user, even after the Closing Browser, until their expiry or until the user deletes them. The expiration date is determined by the site that starts them. They are often used to draw the habits of the user, so that when the User revisits the site, this reads the information stored and adapts to your preferences.

Data provided voluntarily by the user

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of their email address through the website entails the subsequent acquisition from our part of the address of the sender, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the request.
hese data, if not specially specified in appropriate disclosures are treated exclusively to cope with the service or information request and kept for a time reasonable and appropriate.

A specific privacy notice is given in the sections of the web site prepared for special services where are requested personal data to the user of the site.

Cookie Policy

The web site uses cookies technicians and Cookie Analytics owners and third parties.

Cookies technicians are used from this web site in order to transmit session identifiers are necessary to allow any authentication and the safe and efficient exploration of the site.

The use of these cookies, avoids the use of other techniques potentially prejudicial to the confidentiality of user navigation, allowing the user navigation as a function of a number of selected criteria as for example, the language, the selected products for purchase.

Cookies Analytics are used by the website in order to analyze in aggregated form the navigation of the users and provide statistics on visits and to facilitate and improve the retrieval of the site by users who seek on search engines and in social networks.

A.S.D.  Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica "Sentieri di Armonia" through the website does not use cookies that pursue the objective of profiling and behavior analysis time to publication of advertisements based on the interests expressed by the user during navigation.

In particular A.S.D. Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica" paths of harmony" to promote their services and activities advertised on their website, uses no advertising services provided by third parties, which provide for the use of third party cookies, (E.g. Google AdWords), aimed to provide users who have visited this website, banner advertising consistent with the interests expressed in the course of navigation on the same, when the latter access to other sites at which the third parties have bought the rights to use the advertising spaces..

Purpose of treatment

For all users of the site, the personal data of all types listed above, if not otherwise specified in the special information relating to their acquisition, can be used for:

  • Allow the navigation through the public web pages of our site;
  • Respond to requests received via e-mail addresses published on the site;
  • To obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the site (e.g. analysis of the most visited pages);
  • To obtain anonymous statistical information on the geographical areas of origin;
  • Check the correct operation of the site;
  • The establishment of any liability in the case of offenses committed to the detriment of the site;

The personal data of users who register to the site will be treated as well as for the purpose described above, also for the purposes related to the requested services and in particular to:

  • Allow the navigation through the web pages reserved our site;
  • Carry out the registration of users to the service requested, such as the use of the newsletter service;
  • Fulfill the contractual obligations of the service requested;
  • Marketing purposes through the data communicated to the act of registration for obtaining any additional services;
  • Sending of advertising information, technical and promotional activities through e-mail, mail and telephone, on the basis of the data communicated at the moment of the registration for obtaining any additional services;
  • Any direct sales through the web on the basis of the data communicated at the moment of the registration for obtaining any additional services;
  • Send news, information, opportunities and any advertising communications through the use of the newsletter service or in the ways listed first

Scope of the Communication and Dissemination of data

In respect of the objectives listed above and stops the communication to third parties operated in execution of obligations of law or arising from regulations or other Community legislation, the data can be from us press releases, in Italy and abroad: third parties carrying out activities of analysis of data for statistical purposes and third parties responsible for the maintenance of the site by the owner.

The personal data of the registered users will also be communicated to subjects entrusted by the holder that provide the services available on the site.

No personal data acquired from the web service will be disseminated.

Every communication and dissemination will happen anyway in respect of the purpose of the treatment described above.

Obligatory or Optional Nature of the conferment of the data

Except as provided by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data in the context of cookie, no consent is required for users to be able to navigate through web pages are not confidential, as private data required are automatically conferred implicitly in the TCP/IP protocol used by the internet.

The adhesion to the services offered by A.S.D. Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica "paths of harmony" through your web site using the free navigation or consequently registering to services offered, as well as the sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this site, is optional and voluntary.

At the time of the possible provision of additional data for obtaining additional services, as provided for by art. 13 of Legislative Decree No.196/03.

Location of Data Processing

The treatments related to the web services of this website take place at the headquarters of: Golden Square Guido 5 - 10056 - Oulx (TO) and are handled only by qualified personnel in charge of processing.

Duration and modality of the treatment

In relation to the scope of the present disclosure, personal data are treated with automated tools, by specially appointed persons, for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected and in full observance of every precautionary measure that shall guarantee security and confidentiality, as well as the full respect of the obligations of the law.

Specific safety measures are observed to prevent the loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.

For completeness, we wish to inform you that the conferral of personal data is mandatory in the measure in which they are used for the execution of part of our society of contractual obligations and/or of law

Rights of the parties concerned

The subjects to whom the personal data refers have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of the same data and to know the content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or rectification (articolo 7 del Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali).

Pursuant to the same article, one has the right to request the cancellation, transformation in anonymous form or the block of data treated in violation of the law, and to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment.

To exercise the rights provided for in art. 7 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 the person concerned must submit a request in writing to the attention the holder of the treatment using one of the following ways:

By email to the appropriate address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">

By registered letter to the following address:

A.S.D. Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica "Sentieri di Armonia" - Piazza Dorato Guido 5 - 10056 - Oulx (TO).

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